Happy Stitches

Keep your stitches smiling!

Double Knitting Technique Club October 20, 2013

I am very pleased to announce my  Double Knitting Technique Club!  This special Club officially opened on September 1, 2013, but new members are welcome to join at any time.  The format of the Club is in video format,  with  pdf files of the accompanying Notes per Video Clip.

This is the club for all who have discovered the magic of double knitting and are now lusting after more advanced forms of DK sorcery! My Double Knitting Technique Club will provide you with an ongoing supply of new techniques, in video format supplemented by workshop-style notes. The cost for membership is  a one-time fee, with no annual renewals.  Your growing library of videos and notes will be stored in your Notebook under Knitting Clubs on the lucyneatby.com website. You may download the videos anytime you wish, but  won’t need to archive them as they will always remain in your Notebook . I will be adding new videos periodically and the written notes will continue to evolve. (Please note: This club does not offer yarn packs or full patterns.)

When I was at sea many years ago, I had spare time with nowhere to go; this is when I began to experiment with the mechanics of knitting. The joy of knitting engineering has never left me.

As you may know, I have been hook-line-and-sinker possessed by double knitting for several years now. This obsess preoccupation has led me to explore ways to make my double knitting produce all kinds of weird and wonderful effects. The somewhat-less-than-mainstream DK ideas are the ones I am sharing in the DK Technique Club collection. Most are techniques I have not yet incorporated into patterns, but they will come in handy for the intrepid double knitter!

I am using the contents of my Double Knitting Delight DVD and my Craftsy Class as reference material, so you will need access to both in order to cover the basics of DK.

We have set up a Ravelry Group  for this club, separate from the general Neatby Knitters Group. This is where you will be able to ask questions, revel in all things DK, comment on the videos, or pose a DK challenge – it may even lead to a new video! All Ravelry members are, of course,  welcome to join.

Happy Stitches!



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